After many months of hesitation, I finally took the plunge … into having a featured wall in Gallery 113 in Santa Barbara as the “Artist of the Month” in September ( yes… that’s next week). There are numerous other artist showing their work at the September show. All are members of the Santa Barbara Art Association and all works uniquely their own. The favorite part for me is what I have learned by seeing other art and talking with the artists. They are all very affirming, and I am grateful for their support. My photo skills been helped significantly as member Channel City Camera Club, giving me the “nudge” to start sharing my prints. My vision is to share some of my prints over the past few years. Most of the prints are local seascapes and plenty of bird photos in their environment. I have decided to focus on the birds in their seascape this time and share more sea mammals and others at a future date.
I moved here because of my love for water, the ocean, and it’s surrounding wildlife. I am down at the seaside most every day. It’s my centering place. The earth, wildlife, and man-made structures are constantly changing. We have witnessed destruction and wildlife illness… but also some healing too. By living near the ocean and walking seaside most days, it is increasingly evident how our ocean greatly impacts all our lives.
Creating photo images is my way to try to show the local landscape and its birds, sea mammals and others close by. My digital library is quickly expanding! Rather than losing the image in the “digital” format, my goal is to interpret and finalize the photo image as a print on tactile media such as cotton rag paper to visually share my message with others.
Can I make a difference through sharing my photo art? I hope so…
Please join me at the open house reception on: “First Thursday”, September 7, 2023, 5-8 PM at Gallery 113. If you cannot be at the open house, the Gallery is open most days of the week with the show running Sept 5-29th.